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Daily Prayer Archive

August 30, 2016

Come, O blessed Savior, and nourish my soul with heavenly Food, the Food which contains every sweetness and every delight. Come, Bread of Angels, and satisfy the hunger of my soul. Come, glowing Furnace of Charity and enkindle in my heart the flame of divine love. Come, Light of the World, and enlighten the darkness of my mind. Come, King of Kings, and make me obedient to your holy will. Come, loving Savior, and make me meek and humble. Come, Friend of the Sick, and heal the infirmities of my body and the weakness of my soul. Come, Good Shepherd, my God and my All, and take me to yourself. O most holy Mother, Mary Immaculate, prepare my heart to receive my Savior.

August 29, 2016

Come, Holy Spirit Replace the tension within us with a holy relaxation. Replace the turbulence within us with a sacred calm. Replace the anxiety within us with a quiet confidence. Replace the fear within us with a strong faith. Replace the bitterness within us with the sweetness of grace. Replace the darkness within us with a gentle light. Replace the coldness within us with a loving warmth. Replace the night within us with your light. Replace the winter within us with your spring. Straighten our crookedness. Fill our emptiness. Dull the edge of our pride. Sharpen the edge of our humility. Light the fires of our love. Quench the flames of our lust. Let us see ourselves as you see us That we may see You. Amen.

August 28, 2016

Christ Jesus, I acknowledge You King of the universe. All that has been created has been made for You. Make full use of Your rights over me. I renew the promises I made in Baptism, when I renounced Satan and all his pomps and works, and I promise to live a good Christian life and to do all in my power to procure the triumph of the rights of God and Your Church. Divine Heart of Jesus, I offer you my efforts in order to obtain that all hearts may acknowledge your Sacred Royalty, and that thus the Kingdom of Your peace may be established throughout the universe. Amen.

August 27, 2016

O my Divine Saviour, Transform me into Yourself. May my hands be the hands of Jesus. Grant that every faculty of my body May serve only to glorify You. Above all, Transform my soul and all its powers So that my memory, will and affection May be the memory, will and affections Of Jesus. I pray for You To destroy in me All that is not of You. Grant that I may live But in You, by You and for You, So that I may truly say, With St. Paul, "I live - now not I - but Christ lives in me".

August 26, 2016

Look down upon me, good and gentle Jesus, While before Your face I humbly kneel And with burning soul, pray and beseech You, To fix deep in my heart, Lively sentiments of faith, hope and charity, True contrition for my sins And a firm purpose of amendment. While I contemplate with great love and tender pity, Thy five most precious wounds, Pondering over them within me, And calling to mind the words that David, Your prophet, said of You , my Jesus, "They have pierced My hands and feet, They have numbered all my bones."

August 25, 2016

O most holy, O most benign, O noble and glorious Virgin Mary, who was worthy to bear in Your sacred womb the Creator of all, I humbly beseech you, to intercede with Him for me, a sinner; that whatsoever, by ignorance or neglect, by accident or irreverence, I have left undone, or have done amiss, in this unspeakably holy Sacrifice, may be pardoned through thy prayers to the same our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who with the Father and the Holy Ghost live and reign world without end. Amen.

August 24, 2016

O everlasting and loving God, I consecrate myself wholly to you today. Let all my days offer you ceaseless praise, My hands move to the rhythm of your impulses, My feet be swift in your service, My voice sing constantly of you, My lips proclaim your message, My eyes perceive you everywhere, And my ears be attuned to your inspirations. May my intellect be filled with your wisdom, My will be moved by your beauty, My heart be enraptured with your love, And my soul be flooded with your grace. Grant that every action of mine be done For your greater glory.

August 23, 2016

My soul, confide in Jesus. He can do me every good. He is God and He loves me. In the Blessed Eucharist, He is sweet and mild and generous. Urged by love, He comes to manifest His love to me. Yes, my dear Jesus, You are my hope and my salvation. Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in You. I trust, O Lord, that You will kindle in my heart the flame of Your pure love, and a real desire to please You; so that, from this day forward, I may never will anything but what You will.

August 22, 2016

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth. O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

August 21, 2016

O Christ, our Morning Star, Splendor of Light Eternal, shining with the glory of the rainbow, come and waken us from the grayness of our apathy, and renew in us your gift of hope. Amen.

August 20, 2016

O God, Source and Giver of all things, Who manifests Your infinite majesty, power and goodness in the earth about us, we give You honor and glory. For the sun and rain, for the manifold fruits of our fields, for the increase of our herds and flocks we thank You. For the enrichment of our souls with divine grace, we are grateful. Supreme Lord of the harvest, graciously accept us and the fruits of our toil, in union with Christ Your Son, as atonement for our sins, for the growth of Your Church, for peace and charity in our homes, for salvation to all. Amen.

August 19, 2016

Keep us in peace, O Christ our God, under the protection of Your holy and venerable Cross. Save us from enemies visible and invisible and account us worthy to glorify You with thanksgiving, together with the Father, and the Holy Ghost, now and ever and world without end. Amen.

August 18, 2016

From all eternity, O Lord, You planned my very existence and my destiny. You wrapped me in Your love in baptism and gave me the Faith to lead me to an eternal life of happiness with You. You have showered me with Your graces and You have been always ready with Your mercy and forgiveness when I have fallen. Now I beg You for the light I so earnestly need that I may find the way of life in which lies the best fulfillment of Your will. Whatever state this may be, give me the grace necessary to embrace it with love of Your holy will, as devotedly as Your Blessed Mother did Your will. I offer myself to You now, trusting in Your wisdom and love to direct me in working out my salvation and in helping others to know and come close to You, so that I may find my reward in union with You for ever and ever. Amen.

August 17, 2016

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August 16, 2016

O my Jesus, You who are very Love, enkindle in my heart that Divine Fire which consumes the Saints and transforms them into You. O Lord our God, we offer You our hearts united in the strongest and most sincere love of brotherhood; we pray that Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament may be the daily food of our souls and bodies; that Jesus may be established as the center of our affections, even as He was for Mary and Joseph. Finally, O Lord, may sin never disturb our union on earth; and may we be eternally united in heaven with You and Mary and Joseph and with all Your Saints. Amen.


About us

Columban logoThe Columbans are a society of missionaries, including priests and lay people, who minister to people of various cultures as a way of witnessing to the universal love of God.

We go in the name of the Church to announce, by deed and word, the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Quick Contact

Missionary Society of St. Columban
1902 N. Calhoun
St. Columbans, NE 68056
Phone: 877-299-1920
Fax: 402-291-4984