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Daily Prayer Archive

August 31, 2018

All praise and glory are Yours, almighty Father:
You have given us Your Son Jesus to save us from sin.
We praise You for choosing Mary to be His mother,
for teaching her to believe Your message,
for helping her to accept Your holy will.

Strengthen us by Your Spirit to be like Mary:
to ponder Your word in our hearts,
to obey Your will,
to love Your Son,
to sing Your praises every day.

we praise You through Jesus Christ Your Son
in the love of Your Spirit,
forever and ever.


August 30, 2018

Dear Jesus,
When we received the Sacrament of Baptism
we were given new life in You
and became part of the Christian community.

Thank You that You love us so much.
Thank You for giving the church the sacraments,
those special signs that help us to know
Your love and the love of one another
in so many ways.

As we celebrate the sacraments,
may we love You more and more each day.

We pray in Your name.


- A Columban Missionary

August 29, 2018

O God, You raised up St. John the Baptist
to prepare a perfect people for Christ.
Fill Your people with the joy
of possessing His grace,
and direct the minds of all the faithful
in the way of peace and salvation.

Grant that as St. John was martyred
for truth and justice,
so we may energetically profess our Faith in You,
and lead others to the Way, the Truth, and Eternal Life.


August 28, 2018

Breathe in me, O Holy Spirit,
that my thoughts may all be holy.
Act in me, O Holy Spirit,
that my work, too, may be holy.
Draw my heart, O Holy Spirit,
that I love but what is holy.
Strengthen me, O Holy Spirit,
to defend all that is holy.
Guard me, then, O Holy Spirit,
that I always may be holy.


August 27, 2018

All praise and glory are Yours, Lord Jesus:
You have made us Your body, Your Church,
And help us to bear fruit for our heavenly Father.

You chose St. Peter as the rock,
And sent him to feed Your flock
And to strengthen his brothers and sisters,
Continue to help Your Church
Through the guidance of our Pope,
And keep us faithful in Your service.

Jesus, our brother,
You are Lord for ever and ever.


August 26, 2018

O My Lord Jesus Christ, the true Lamb
Who takes away the sins of the world;
by Your mercy, which is infinite,
pardon my iniquities,
and by Your sacred Passion,
preserve me this day from all sin and evil.
I carry about me this holy mantle in Your honor,
as a preservative against my own weakness,
and as an incentive to the practice of that meekness,
humility, and innocence which You have taught us.
I give myself to You as an entire offering,
and in memory of that Sacrifice of love
which You offered for me on the Cross,
and in satisfaction for my sins.
Accept this offering,
I beg You, O my God,
and may it be acceptable to You
in the odor of sweetness.


August 25, 2018

Behold the One Mediator between God and men,
the Man Christ Jesus,
my Advocate and High-Priest,
Who intercedes for me.
Him do I offer and plead before You,
who committed no sin,
but bore the sins of the world,
and by whose stripes we are healed.
Accept, therefore, O Holy Father,
this Unspotted Victim,
to the honor and glory of Your name,
in thanksgiving for all the blessings
You have ever bestowed upon me,
for the remission also of my sins,
and for the supply of all my defects and shortcomings.

August 24, 2018

O Glorious St. Bartholomew,
Jesus called you a person without guile
and you saw in this word a sign
that he was the Son of God and King of Israel.
Obtain for us the grace to be
ever guileless and innocent as doves.
At the same time, help us to have
your gift of faith to see the Divine hand
in the events of daily life.
May we discern the signs of the times
that lead to Jesus on earth
and will eventually unite us
to him forever in heaven.


August 23, 2018

Heavenly Father, caring and loving God,
You never fail to help me when I
call upon You in my time of need.

Guide the doctors
who are treating me in my illness.
Help the nurses and staff
who are caring for me.

Hold me gently in the palm
of Your healing hand
and protect me from all harm.


- Columban Fr. John Marley

August 22, 2018

O most merciful Father,
who has so loved me as to give me
Your only-begotten Son for my food and drink,
and with Him all things,
look upon the Face of Your Anointed,
in whom Your art well pleased.
This Your Beloved Son,
and with Him my heart,
I offer and present to You for all the blessings
You have this day given me.
May Your, O Father,
be now well pleased in Him,
and through Him turn away Your indignation from me.

August 21, 2018

Most holy Virgin,
who pleased our Lord and became his mother,
Virgin Immaculate in your body and soul,
in your body and soul,
in your faith and love,
at this solemn jubilee
of the promulgation of the dogma
which proclaimed you to the entire world
as conceived without sin,
look kindly on us unfortunate ones
who implore your powerful protection.
The infernal serpent,
upon whom the primeval curse was laid,
continues, alas,
to attack and tempt the hapless children of Eve.
Ah! Do you, our blessed Mother,
our Queen and Advocate,
who at the first moment of your conception
did crush the enemy's head,
do you gather together our prayers
and we beseech you
present them before God's throne,
that we may never allow ourselves
to be caught in the snares laid for us,
but that we may reach the portal of salvation,
and that the Church and Christian society
may once more chant the hymn of deliverance,
of victory and of peace.


August 20, 2018

O Blessed Virgin,
Mother of my God and Savior,
present my petitions to your Son.
O all the Angels and Saints, citizens of heaven,
join also your prayers with mine.
You stand always before the Throne,
and see Him face to face,
whom I here receive under veils.
Be ever mindful of me,
and obtain from Him and through Him
that with you I may bless Him
and love Him forever.


August 19, 2018

O Lord Jesus Christ,
in presenting ourselves before Your adorable Face
to ask of You the graces of which we stand most in need,
we beseech You above all,
to grant us that interior disposition
of never refusing at any time to do what You require of us
by Your holy Commandments and Divine inspirations.


August 18, 2018

O compassionate Mother, not to forget us.
Grant, O Lady, that we,
your devout children,
may be favored more beyond comparison
than are all other men on earth,
The whole world should know that the dear children of Mary
are the best of Heaven and earth:
they are the spoiled children,
who enjoy all the choicest possessions of their Mother;
they are the beloved ones,
who, being caressed in the bosom of the Queen of Heaven,
are doubly favored
and doubly caressed by the Majesty of God,
This I hope, O most beautiful Mother;
and this I am confident that You will do,
O sovereign Princess,
do it in your name;
for all Heaven begs you,
and with importunity asks it of you.
Say only yes, pronounce only a loving consent;
be it done, be it done.

August 17, 2018

Grant, O Lord, to Your Church,
assurance of freedom and immunity from harm;
give peace and order to all nations,
and make the earth resound
from pole to pole with one cry:

Praise to the Divine Heart
that wrought our salvation:
to it be glory and honor forever.



About us

Columban logoThe Columbans are a society of missionaries, including priests and lay people, who minister to people of various cultures as a way of witnessing to the universal love of God.

We go in the name of the Church to announce, by deed and word, the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Quick Contact

Missionary Society of St. Columban
1902 N. Calhoun
St. Columbans, NE 68056
Phone: 877-299-1920
Fax: 402-291-4984